Hello below are three images of potential arch nemesis for the main character in my next book I have specifically designed the yellow dragon for this job but tell me what you think. In the comments section.
This character relies on speed , natural athleticism and unyielding fierceness UN like all the other dragons a lighting dragon doesn’thave to work on fitness or strength these skills come naturally to them which can lead to them being very over confident. If a lighting dragon completes the lighting test they will gain the ability to shoot lighting from their talons. Lighting dragons will usually end up being royal dragons.
Water dragon sometimes called an ice dragon although not as strong as earth dragons or as fast as lighting dragons are incredible clever and conniving water dragons usually stay sole but can be influenced by lighting dragons although not having wings can still fly by moving the frill on there backs incredible fast. If a water dragon completes the lighting test they will gain the ability to manipulate water. Water dragons usually end up being advisers to the royal dragons.
Earth dragons are usually gentle giants but their family’s have strong ties to lighting dragons. By far an earth dragon is the strongest of all dragons not very smart but very strong. If an earth dragon completes the lighting test he will gain the power of the wind. Earth dragons are usually the guards of the royal dragons.
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